A lot of attention is going towards our gut health these days. Numerous studies are opening our eyes to the fact that proper gut health goes beyond helping with digestion. An unhealthy gut can lead to autoimmune diseases, mental health issues, digestive issues, skin issues, etc. There is a huge study called The Human Microbiome …
February 2021
Collagen – Yay or Nay?
I would be shocked if you have not had someone tell you about the magical powers of consuming collagen. The market for dietary collagen has exploded in the last few years. Your hairdresser may have suggested a scoop of the powder in your morning coffee to help bring back disappearing hair. Perhaps your nail tech …
Little Bites of Pure Energy
I’m talking about balls people! Energy Balls. These little bites of goodness are the perfect combo of carbs, protein, and fat that make them a prime post-workout recovery snack. They also provide the perfect energy boost you need without the energy plummet an hour later. Their size lets you have a filling snack without breaking …
Game-Changing Exercise “Snacks”
I am not sure the first time I heard the term “exercise snacks” but I instantly fell in love with it. The phrase is so in line with Progress Over Perfection that I’m disappointed I didn’t come up with it myself. Exercise snacking is simply the idea of doing small amounts of exercise throughout the …
4 Things Needed for Behavior Change
Progress over Perfection. I didn’t come up with that phrase but I try to live it as much as I can. You can ask any of my friends and family and they will tell you that I am as far from type A as you can get. I used to be embarrassed about this personality …