Health Coaching Focused on Progress Over Perfection

Nutrition is Confusing!

There is so much controversy about nutrition that it can make your head spin. I can find 20 articles right now claiming that a low-carb/high-fat diet is best and then find an equal amount touting the dangers of that exact diet. The same goes for low-fat/high-carb diets, Mediterranean, Paleo, Atkins, South Beach, you name it. There is also no shortage of Netflix documentaries trying to convince you of the healthiest way to eat. When The Magic Pill came out I had clients tossing all carbs out the window. As soon as The Game Changers was released I was bombarded with questions about the evils of meat. It can be mind-boggling to navigate all the information out there and then still make wise, evidence-based decisions about what you put in your body.

Do Nutritionists Agree on Anything?

Even with all the conflicting information on the internet, you would be hard-pressed to find a nutritionist that doesn’t believe in the idea of eating more whole, unprocessed foods, with a focus on including more plants. If you really want to geek out, read up on the current guidelines set forth by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Every so often they gather up a bunch of smarty-pants (AKA actual doctors, actual nutritionists, etc.) to discuss new studies on nutrition and come up with Dietary Guidelines for Americans. If you don’t have time for this 142-page document I can sum it for you in 4 words. “EAT MORE REAL FOOD!” Our nation has a fascination with fast, convenient, overly processed meals that are leaving us with nutrient deficiencies, unhealthy guts, and overweight or obesity issues. More real food means more fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains. For now let’s talk about ways to get more out of your produce department.

How To Eat More Fruits & Vegetables

In full disclosure, I am not a vegan or a vegetarian. I eat meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. I do strive for a mostly clean diet. By clean I mean I try to keep the overly processed crap to a minimum and I eat a decent amount of fruits and vegetables every day. This is not to say I don’t enjoy the occasional treat. When a girl has a hankering for some pizza, don’t get in her way! But those days are the exception, not the norm. Here are some tricks I use to up my fruits and veggies game each day.

1. Throw Greens on Anything

Keep a container of spinach or arugula on hand and add a handful to sandwiches, wraps, egg scrambles, or smoothies. I even use greens as a bed for grilled chicken or fish when plating dinner. The greens will soak up the meat or fish flavors and add a fiber punch to your meal.

2. Eat a Big Salad

I love this Tupperware container that drastically extends the life of your produce. It is worth the hefty price tag. I don’t know what magic voodoo it’s using but it allows me to make a huge salad that will last me the week. Since all the cutting and prep is done at once, all my salad needs is a protein source, a little cheese, and some nuts. My favorite combo is goat cheese, hard-boiled egg, and chopped cashews.

This Tupperware container will extend the life of your produce. It really works!

3. Frozen, Microwavable, Steamed Vegetables To The Rescue

I always have bags of frozen vegetables in the freezer that can be steamed in the microwave. It’s not unusual for me to eat a whole bag topped with a salmon burger or some grilled chicken. It’s a quick and easy lunch on busy days.

4. Pick a Vegetable-Based Dish You Love and Make it Every Week

I am currently hooked on this Riced Cauliflower Tabbouleh recipe from Trim Healthy Mama and I make it about every 7-10 days. It makes a big batch so I have plenty for the week and it is nothing but good stuff for you! When I get bored with this recipe, I’ll try something else.

5. Snack on Vegetables That Need Zero Prep

I don’t think I’m alone in saying it is hard to NOT snack while cooking dinner. Why not give in to the temptation but make it worth your while? Take the guilt away and snack only on vegetables while prepping dinner. Make it easy by having vegetables that need zero prep. I love the tiny snacking cucumbers that are everywhere right now. It’s also easy to find bags of those small, tri-colored sweet peppers. Find veggies you like that are easy to grab and satisfy that crunch you need.

6. Riced Cauliflower For The Win

Adding a bag of cauliflower rice is a sneaky way to up your veggie game. Use it in stir-fry, stuffed peppers, tabbouleh, or power bowls. Throw a bag in your soup or chili. I like to blend cauliflower rice with chicken stock and then add it to my soup recipes. It thickens the soup without adding cream and a ton of extra calories.

7. Have Produce At Breakfast

Breakfast tends to be plant-free for many of us but it is a missed opportunity for more fruits and vegetables. Try adding greens or other vegetables to your morning eggs. Add berries to your yogurt. Top your breakfast toast with a banana. Strawberries dipped in vanilla greek yogurt is the bomb!

8. Roasted Vegetables Are Good Cold!

Just about all vegetables can be roasted. I roast everything from broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, parsnips, turnips, radishes, mushrooms, asparagus, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squashes, onions, and more! You don’t need a recipe. Just chop them up and toss with a little olive oil and spices. Spread them out on a sheet pan and roast at 400-425 degrees till done. I toss them every 10 minutes or so to make sure they are nice and roasty all over! Like most things, I make an extra big batch so I have plenty to munch right out of the refrigerator.

9. Pack Produce As Your Snack

Force yourself to eat fruits and vegetables by packing them as your daily snack at work. I don’t normally pick up an apple at home, but when it’s the only snack I packed for work, I gobble that sucker down. An apple never tasted so good!

10. Treat Yourself Like A Kid And Get Sneaky

When my kids were little I would sneak fruits and vegetables into all sorts of things. Spinach always made it into their blueberry smoothies. I made avocado chocolate pudding. I pureed vegetables and added them to spaghetti sauce. The kids would actually ask for my “faux” cream which was ice cream made from frozen bananas. We are all just big kids at heart so go ahead and treat yourself like one. Sneak fruits and veggies into any meal or snack. There is no shortage of cool ideas on the internet so start browsing and have fun.

I can’t wait to hear how you up your produce game every day. Aim for a diet rich in whole grains and a rainbow of fruits and vegetables and your body will thank you!

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