Health Coaching Focused on Progress Over Perfection

I am not sure the first time I heard the term “exercise snacks” but I instantly fell in love with it. The phrase is so in line with Progress Over Perfection that I’m disappointed I didn’t come up with it myself. Exercise snacking is simply the idea of doing small amounts of exercise throughout the day. Multiple studies have been done to show that this formula can be as effective as a longer duration exercise done only once a day. But before we get into all this, let me first state that I am not promoting giving up longer duration exercise. This article is simply here to show you that something is always better than nothing on the days you may not feel motivated or have the time to dedicate a full exercise session.

Only 1 in 3 adults get the recommended amount of physical activity each week.

Continuous vs. Accumulated Exercise

Among the many downsides brought on by the s@#tshow of 2020, being more sedentary is one of them. With more people working from home, daily activity is challenging. It is particularly hard for those that rely on a daily routine of leaving the house to keep them motivated and moving. Adding to the problem is that many people hold on to the idea that the only worthwhile workouts are the ones done for a long duration at the gym going full speed. This all-or-nothing mentality could be one of the reasons that only 1 in 3 adults in this country get the recommended amount of physical activity each week. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, more than 80% of adults do not meet the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities. And the bar isn’t set very high for those guidelines so you know these stats are pretty frightening! Hopefully, with these new studies coming out showing the advantages of short bouts of exercise, it will encourage more adults to get up from their desks and do a little movement throughout the day.

A study published in 2019 was done to compare the effects of continuous vs. accumulated exercise on cardiovascular and metabolic health. In a nutshell, it showed that doing shorter bouts of exercise throughout the day at the same intensity and equaling the same duration as one longer bout of exercise, had the same effects on fitness, blood pressure, lipids, insulin, and glucose. That’s freakin’ amazing, right? So how do you put this new concept into action? Here’s one example of how you could work in these shorter bouts of exercise snacks during your workday. Remember, to get the same benefits as the longer workout, the shorter workouts need to done at the same intensity.


  • Before breakfast, do a full 10 minutes of the following circuit; 10 pushups, 10 body squats, 10 high-knees, 10 skater-jumps.
  • After lunch take a 10-minute fast walk or run around the neighborhood
  • For an afternoon break from your desk, do 10 minutes of the following ab circuit; 10 reverse curls, 10 crunches, 10 oblique crunches, 1-minute plank.
  • After dinner, take another 10-minute fast walk or run around the neighborhood.

    BOOM! You just did 40 minutes of exercise!

Prolonged sitting increases your chances of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, dementia, and high cholesterol.

How About Continuous Exercise AND Exercise Snacks?

The exercise snacking described above is great for the days you can’t get to the gym or when you don’t have a lifestyle that allows a full 45 minutes to an hour to dedicate to exercise. But what if you are already getting in a daily workout but then have a job that has you sitting all day? Unfortunately, an hour-long spinning class isn’t going to negate the effects of sitting for 6-8 hours. Prolonged sitting has shown to increase your chances of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, dementia, and high cholesterol. These are all the things that shorten your life and decrease the quality of the one you have. I haven’t even mentioned what sitting does to your back, hips, neck, varicose veins, etc. So let’s take exercise snacking to a gourmet level, above and beyond your daily workout routine. How do you put more movement in your WHOLE day?

  • When running errands, park your car as far from the door as you can.
  • Use an app on your phone or smartwatch to remind you to get up and move for 10 minutes every hour.
  • Can any of your errands be done by walking or cycling to the store?
  • If you live close to a coffee shop, walk to get your morning Joe. It’s cheaper than a gym!
  • Always, yes always take the stairs if they are an option.
  • Use a standing desk at work or home.
  • Look at household or yard chores as a chance for exercise.
  • When talking on the phone, pace around the house.
  • Do some stretching while watching TV.
  • Don’t use those silly moving walkways at the airport.
  • Drink lots of water so you have to take a lot of potty breaks. All those trips to the bathroom = more steps!

Exercise snacks help burn more calories throughout the day.

The Extra Bonus with Exercise Snacks

In full disclosure, I have a simpler, more practical reason for performing exercise snacks and that’s calorie burn! The more exercise snacking I do, the more real snacking I can do. “Hi, my name is Jennifer and I like food!”

We can go into energy in vs. energy out in another blog post but for the time being, I think we can all agree that burning more calories throughout the day is a good thing. If you are on a weight loss journey, exercise snacks could mean the difference in gaining or losing a pound that week. If you happen to be at your desired weight, those “snacks” could negate the cream in your coffee, the few goldfish crackers you pulled from your kid’s plate, or the nibble of chocolate after dinner. Exercise snacking is a win-win, hands down.

Feel free to share your favorite Exercise Snacks!

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