Health Coaching Focused on Progress Over Perfection

Health. It is something that looks different for every one of us. On a basic level we all know the benefits of maintaining a reasonable weight, but being healthy goes far beyond that. Simply reaching a weight that some chart told you was in the ideal range doesn’t mean you also have heart health, gut health, hormonal health, etc. I can’t remember the exact podcast I was listening to but the speaker said “we are sacrificing health chasing a number on a scale.” That comment spoke volumes to me. I’ve seen clients try bizarre things in the pursuit of weight loss. Perhaps you know someone yourself that jumped on a weight-loss bandwagon trying some magic pill or elixir that Dr. Oz or their favorite celebrity swore up and down was a “game-changer.” Trust me, if there was a magic pill or some quick and easy way to lose weight, the world would know about it and we would not have an obesity epidemic in our country.

We are sacrificing health chasing a number on the scale.

I won’t lie to you. For most of us, losing and maintaining a healthy weight takes work. It requires habits that keep health at the forefront of our thinking. It calls for a lifestyle that promotes wellness at every turn. Going on ‘diets’ just won’t cut it. Diets are something you start and stop. Once you stop, without having developed new healthy habits, you’ll go right back to unhealthy living.

Figuring out where to start a new healthy journey can be overwhelming. Should I eat more vegetables? Do I need to count my calories? Can I lose weight and still eat carbs? How important is protein? These questions, and so many more, are probably swirling through your head right now. Stop and take a breath! That first step towards health and wellness can be small, not an overhaul of your entire life. Take these 5 ideas as your first steps towards a healthier you. Once you feel comfortable that these habits have become second nature, move on to a few more ideas. Not sure what those might be? Contact me and I’ll help you figure that out.

1. Drink at least 64 oz of water every day.

I know you’ve heard this one a million times but it’s worth repeating. Most people don’t even come close to this benchmark. Personally, I feel best if I’m getting closer to 90 oz of water each day. Here’s are just a few benefits to staying properly hydrated.

  • Physical performance is improved and you have more energy.
  • Improves brain function.
  • Helps with constipation.
  • Can aid in weight loss.
  • Helps joint and muscle function.
  • Helps improve sleep.
  • Bonus: More trips to the bathroom mean more steps that day!

Need some ideas on how to get those 64 oz of water each day?

  • Use a cool insulated water bottle that you can keep with you all day.
  • Add a healthy flavor enhancer, like Stur, to make water more enticing.
  • Join me in my herbal tea obsession!
  • Chug a glass before every meal and snack. This will also help portion control.

2. Leave at least 3 hours between meals and snacks.

I like this habit because it helps on many levels. First and foremost, it helps removes mindless eating. I often find myself wanting food even though I’m not hungry. It’s usually when I’m tired, bored, or stressed. Committing to the 3-hour rule helps alleviate some of that emotional eating. It doesn’t always do the trick but even helping 80% of the time is a win for me.

3 hours also happens to be the average time it takes your stomach to empty its contents into the small intestine. If you are waiting this amount of time, you are likely truly eating for hunger.

3. For goodness sake, get enough sleep!

This is by far my hardest achievement every day. I am not a great sleeper, and I’m still working on finding out why, but I at least always give my body the chance to get enough sleep. Read up on proper sleep hygiene and make it a priority. If you are still a doubter on the necessity of sleep, check this out.

  • Consequences of inadequate sleep:
    • More likely to get sick
    • Increased chance of heart disease
    • Brain Fog that causes poor decision making and a lack of focus
    • Reduces your sex drive
    • You gain weight and increase chances of type 2 diabetes

4. Make self-care a priority every day.

Self-care is the new buzz word and for good reason. As a society we are finally starting to understand and appreciate the importance of doing something kind to our mind and body each and every day. I’m thrilled that we no longer look at this as a selfish activity. So what is self-care? Anything! That’s the beauty of it. Self-care is whatever makes you feel good and promotes your own physical, mental, and emotional health. Self-care could be all or any of the following.

  • Take a bubble bath
  • Read a book
  • Meditate
  • Exercise
  • Walk in nature
  • Relax with a cup of herbal tea
  • Meet a friend for coffee
  • Do something crafty
  • Put on some music and dance
  • Get a massage, pedicure, or manicure
  • Write in a journal
  • Take a nap
  • Walk the dog

5. Be kind to yourself.

I know this sounds a bit like #4 but this means something different. I’m referring to how hard we are on ourselves. We are our own worst critics. We judge ourselves more harshly than we judge others. Why? You don’t expect others to be perfect so why do you feel you should be? One of my favorite quotes is by Mark Manson. “Life is messy and we’re all a little screwed up in our own special snowflake kind of way.” You know that girl you see at the gym that seems to have her shit together all the time? Trust me, she’s a hot mess at home just like the rest of us. Strive for progress towards a better you, not a perfect you. PoP!!

Life is messy and we’re all a little screwed up in our own special snowflake kind of way.

Mark Manson (author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck)

So there you have it. 5 first steps towards developing healthier habits. I would love to hear some of your healthy habits and how you keep health and wellness a priority in your day.

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