Health Coaching Focused on Progress Over Perfection

Hi, I’m Jen Slagle
Owner and founder of PoP Health & Wellness.

I’ll start with my credentials.
Group Fitness Instructor (American Council on Exercise), Personal Trainer (ACE), Health & Wellness Coach (ACE), Fitness Nutrition Specialist (ACE)

How did I get here?
Believe it or not, I started off my adult life with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. After college, I entered the corporate world and joined a gym so that I could do group fitness classes before work. I quickly realized that the instructor was getting paid to work out and I wanted in on that gig! My group fitness certification came about the time I was leaving corporate America to start a family. Teaching a few classes each week and doing some personal training was a great way to do something outside of raising my 3 boys. After boy #3, I started to realize that something was still off with my health and I learned that good nutrition was what I was missing. I could no longer exercise away the pizza and ice cream from the night before. My dysfunctional relationship with food was holding me back.

Up to this point, I had been “dieting” since high school and categorizing food as either good or bad. Back then my definition of good or bad food had nothing to do with how that food fueled my body or how the nutrition (or lack of it) affected my health. I was simply chasing a number on the scale. After reading a few books and watching a few documentaries on nutrition, I decided to change my way of thinking and began focusing on foods that provided the best health benefit for my body. After adjusting my eating style I noticed that my body started responding to better food and REALLY responding (in not such a good way) to crappy food. How I felt on any given day usually had something to do with my diet, exercise, or sleep. Over the years I’ve tweaked my habits for both nutrition and fitness, always finding what works best for me at my current stage of life.   

What I do now.
Long story short, my cool fitness gigs turned into a passion for helping others with their overall health and wellness. Because I had struggled with food most of my life, I wanted to help others with the same issues. Health Coaching is the most rewarding thing I do all day. I still love fitness classes and personal training but I get absolutely giddy teaching the nutrition side of health and watching clients change their lives. I want to show that positive changes are achieved with small steps that lead to long-lasting effects. Progress over Perfection (PoP) is the mantra I hope to instill in all of my clients. A healthy lifestyle can be achieved through mindful eating, nutritional tweaks, habitual movement, and an overall positive outlook on the future. Let’s do this.

I’m dying to meet you and help you along your journey to health. Contact me so we can talk!