Health Coaching Focused on Progress Over Perfection

Humans, by nature, are creatures of habit that resist change. As we go through our daily lives, we find comfort in routines and familiarity. Not all habits are bad, i.e brushing your teeth, taking vitamins. But some habits can sabotage our health efforts, i.e. the afternoon vending machine run, the extra cream in our coffee.  So why is behavior change so challenging? For many, the very thought of change can send them spiraling into a pint of ice cream or a deep dive into the latest Netflix binge-worthy show. I’m here to tell you that with the right focus and accountability, behaviors can be altered and new healthy habits can be achieved. 

Here is how a health coach will help you through this process of change and allow you to put the focus on what matters most to you.

A Health Coach looks at the whole you.

Not only does a health coach come to you with fitness and nutritional knowledge, but they are also trained in psychological behavior therapy. Health and wellness are so much more than just nutrition and physical fitness.  A health coach will help you dive into all aspects of your health to determine what changes will make the most impact on your life. A coach will help you identify obstacles that are keeping you from making the health changes you desire. Every session will look at the whole you to see where you are in this journey and determine where you want to go.  

Health Coaches are about goal driven-change and enhancing self-reliance. 

Lasting change comes with setting small, manageable goals that build on each other to get you to your best you! A health coach will ask the right questions that pinpoint your strengths to enhance self-reliance and to help turn negative self-talk into positive self-talk.  A health coach will guide you in creating SMART goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. It’s the difference between “I want to eat better and lose weight” vs “I am going to have 5 servings of fruits and vegetables 5 days a week for the next month.” The 2nd example creates action while the first just leaves you floundering wondering where to start.

Health Coaches support balanced lives and offer non-judgemental support.

Now more than ever we understand the need for overall health and wellness. With mental illness on the rise and stress and anxiety through the roof, living a balanced life is crucial. A health coach will allow you to look at your own life through a value-based lens to determine what means the most to you. Lasting behavior change comes when a client believes that the health benefits of change outweigh the health threats of not making that change.  Your health coach will only want what’s best for your overall wellness without imparting his/her own beliefs and values. The power of change is in your hands but your coach will encourage you and lift you up along the way.